Classical Vienna Concerts With Small Children – Where To Take Your Kids

To enjoy classical Vienna concerts with small children pick events with the right format at the right time of day. Unless your kids are night owls they will probably be calmer during day-time concerts. As for the set up, also consider smaller ensembles of one to four musicians. Sometimes, a few instruments will captivate their attention more than a grand orchestra. Here are a few ideas of musical events to visit for you and your family.

Vienna Boys Choir

boys of the Vienna Boys ChoirListening to other children sing can hugely inspire kids. In this case, it's a bunch of 10 to 14 year old boys dressed in sailor costumes and equipped with the most angelical voices. Other than that, many adult classical music fans will have the world famous Vienna Boys Choir on their bucket list for a trip to Wien in any case.
While the choir boys usually perform at the Sunday mass at Hofburg Imperial Palace, you can also experience them regularly at their own concert hall in the baroque gardens of Augarten.
If you are lucky your travel dates would coincide with one of the Tribute To Vienna events, where the Vienna Boys Choir teams up with the Spanish Riding School for a special performance next to the white lipizzaner stallions.

To find out about up-to-date concerts and performances with the choir boys, check out Vienna Boys Choir.

Mozart Violin And Piano Sonatas

Does your son or daughter play the violin or piano? During 45 minutes to one hour in the late afternoon, some talented soloists perform Mozart's most spectacular sonatas under the vaulted ceilings of St. Peter's crypt. Because these are solo performances children who play these instruments can fully tune in to the sounds and techniques used. Whether it's the amazing acoustics, the musicians, the sonatas or everything together: these performances are popular. On top, there is no formal dress code, so you can just show up after your sightseeing. Usually the violin sonatas start at 5.00 pm, and the piano sonatas at 6.00 pm. Find out about performance dates and prices.

Address: church St. Peter's (Peterskirche), Petersplatz 1, 1010 Vienna

Children's Concerts At Musikverein and Konzerthaus

Both of Vienna's grand concert venues regularly stage concerts and musical events for local kids. Whereas most events include some narrative in German there are concerts that would equally appeal to non-German speakers. Many of these concerts include a mix of classical music, jazz, world and contemporary music. To find out about the current programs for children go to Musikverein's kids program, and Konzerthaus' event calendar for children.

Addresses: Konzerthaus - Lothringerstrasse 20, 1030 Vienna;
Musikverein - Musikvereinsplatz 1, 1010 Vienna

Events At The House of Music

Music Museum Vienna: House of Music's interactive sound installationFor small children interested in classical music, and music in general, Vienna's House of Music (Haus Der Musik) opens up paradisiac conditions. Thanks to sound proof walls, amazing instruments and patient staff the interactive museum encourages children to make sounds and learn about music and famous composers.
Apart from that, the Haus der Musik regularly organizes musical events for local children. Like at Musikverein and Konzerthaus, expect some narrative in German. However, some events are so packed with multimedia presentations and music that your kids may happily ignore the German background noise. Check the concert calendar.
Address: House of Music - Seilerstatte 30, 1010 Vienna

Other Daytime Classical Concerts and Music Events

As a matter of fact, if you visit genuine classical Vienna concerts with small children less formal events like daytime concerts will provide a more relaxed experience. For example, every Wednesday at 12.30 pm, Wiener Konzerthaus stages its lunch concerts. Depending on the day, expect top performances of Bach, Chopin, Dvorak, Mozart and other famous classical composers. The ensembles usually consist of two to four musicians and take place at lovely intimate Schubert hall.

Address: Wiener Konzerthaus - Lothringerstrasse 20, 1030 Vienna

If you prefer an even less formal setting why not head to piano salon Bluethner right in the center for one of their lunchtime concerts. Although classical music prevails, do expect the occasional jazz and pop performances, too. Like at Konzerthaus, the lunchtime concerts also take place on Wednesdays at 12.30 pm and take 45 minutes. You do not usually prebook your space, just leave a free donation at the door.

Address:Blüthner Zentrum Wien - Bräunerstraße 5, 1010 Vienna

Opera Performances for Children

While musicians on their own need to work harder to grab small children's attention, opera singers who act out stories can boost your kids' interest in classical music. In Vienna, there are several venues that offer operas adapted for children. Most of the times they take just one hour and are based on grand operas such as Mozart's Magic Flute. Find out where to see and book tickets for an adequate performance in Vienna Opera For Children.

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